Sebastian Henning
Sworn Translator in Berlin (Spanish-German / English-German)

Certified Translation of job-related Documents

As a sworn translator for the language combinations Spanish-German and English-German, appointed by the Regional Court of Berlin, I carry out certified translations of job-related documents: Spanish-German, German-Spanish or English-German, German-English. When applying for a job with German employers, it is often necessary to have your degree certificates, transcripts, CV or criminal record certificates translated into German. In addition, the official recognition of your profession in Germany might be useful.

Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Certificates

You can have your professional qualifications recognised in Germany by having the latter assessed for their equivalence to the German reference occupation. If you are on a low income, you may apply for financial support of up to 600 euros for fees and translation costs. If you already receive funds by the Federal Employment Agency or the Jobcenter you my apply for the corresponding financial support with them.

You will find detailed information on the recognition procedure, competent authorities and the necessary certified translations of documents from Spanish or English into German on the portal of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): „Anerkennung in Deutschland“ or on the German government’s portal for qualified professionals from abroad.

After having successfully completed the procedure, you will receive a Notice of Equivalence (Gleichwertigkeitsbescheid), which improves your chances on the German job market considerably as it makes your qualification transparent for German employers.

If you hold a university degree, you can apply for a Statement of Comparability (Zeugnisbewertung) at the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB). This document can, for instance, make it easier to get the Blue Card (Blaue Karte EU) from the immigration office (Ausländerbehörde) or find a job with German employers or authorities.

The recognition procedure is mandatory if your foreign professional qualification is among the more than 440 regulated professions, regulated in Germany or one of its federal states. An alphabetical information on these professions can be found in the Berufenet data base of the Federal Employment Agency.

Selected Professions and Recognition Authorities

Below, you can find several professions which are either regulated or require the presentation of special documents if you wish to use the professional title in Germany. Furthermore, you will find the competent recognition authorities in Berlin and the corresponding links:

Architect (Architekt) – Recognition: Architektenkammer Berlin, additional information: Bundesarchitektenkammer (BAK)

Civil Engineer (Bauingenieur) – Recognition: Baukammer Berlin, additional information: Bundesingenieurkammer (BIngK)

Dentist (Zahnarzt) – Recognition: LAGeSo Berlin / Zahnärztekammer Berlin, additional information: Bundeszahnärztekammer

Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) – Admission in accordance with the Law regulating the activity of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG): Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Verbraucherschutz und Antidiskriminierung Berlin und Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin

Medical Practitioner (Arzt) – Recognition: LAGeSo Berlin / Ärztekammer Berlin, additional information: Bundesärztekammer

Nurse (Krankenpfleger) – Recognition: LAGeSo Berlin

Pharmacist (Apotheker) – Recognition: LAGeSo Berlin, additional information: ABDA

Teacher (Lehrer) – Recognition: Anerkennungsstelle für ausländische Lehrerabschlüsse of the Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie Berlin

Veterinarian (Tierarzt) – Recognition: LAGeSo Berlin, additional information: Tierärztekammer Berlin

If you wish to get have your German professional qualification recognised abroad, please turn to the competent authority of the corresponding country. Links for individual countries can be found on the information portal of the ENIC-NARIC networks.

Certified Translation of special job-related Documents

I offer the certified translation, for instance, of the following job-related documents (Spanish-German, German-Spanish or English-German, German-English):

  • Amtliches Führungszeugnis (Criminal Record Certificate)
  • Approbationsurkunde (Licence to practise Medicine)
  • Berufsausweis (Professional ID Card)
  • Gleichwertigkeitsbescheid (Notice of Equivalence)
  • Certificate of Compliance in accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC
  • Leumundszeugnis / Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung (Certificate of Good Standing)
    e.g. Certificate of Current Professional Status (United Kingdom)
  • Zeugnis über die Ärztliche Prüfung
  • Zeugnis über den Berufsabschluss (Certificate of Professional Qualification)
    e.g. Single Subject Certificate (United Kingdom / Ireland)

Apostilles for job-related Documents

Please note: For the international recognition of your documents and certificates and their certified translation, you might require in addition an apostille (Apostille); or the authentication (Vorbeglaubigung) and, afterwards, the consular legalisation. In Berlin, the apostilles for my translations are issued by the Regional Court of Berlin. Please ask the respective authority in the country where you are required to submit your certified translation beforehand as to whether you need to provide the apostille or not. I would be pleased to obtain the latter on your behalf for my translations carried out in Berlin.

Ask for a free quote for the certified translation of your job-related documents and certificates via email or by completing the contact form. Please send me your scanned document and I will reply to you as soon as possible.